近日,ZStack上线阿里云海外官网,即Apsara Stack Agility Elastic Compute Service(Alibaba Cloud ZStack)上线。
Recently, ZStack was successfully launched on the Alibaba Cloud international website, which introduces ZStack as Apsara Stack Agility Elastic Compute Service (Alibaba Cloud ZStack).
在 Apsara Stack Agility Elastic Compute Service(Alibaba Cloud ZStack)页面,您可以获取以下相关信息:
On the website, you may help yourself with a lot of meaningful information about ZStack:
A brief introduction, the advantages, usage scenarios, features, and available technical support services.

不仅如此,该网页还专门设立了混合云发展、私有云与公有云的选择、混合云相关报道以及白皮书等具有参考价值的文章,您可以按照以下路径获取。Besides, there are many valuable resources on the website, such as the blogs and Private vs. Public Cloud: Which one is right for your business? the webinar Hybrid Cloud Architectures – A New Age Reality, and the white papers about the hybrid cloud. You can obtain the resources above via the path below.
To keep yourself informed, click the following link to follow us on the international website:https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/zstack?spm=a3c0i.7911826.1389108.dnavproductprivate2.441914b3VLzCv9